Friday, April 10, 2009


A few things before I hit the hay:

1. One of my teachers told me the other day, "Meredith, you're so serious". Um.... what the hell? I know I'm not EXACTLY the same person in the office as I am outside of it... but serious? ME?!?! Never. I just laughed and told her we need to hang out soon.

2. During one of my higher level kid's classes, one of my students pointed to a black boy in the book and said something, which I didn't hear. I asked him to repeat it, and he said "Obama!" I was shocked, and then he said "Yes we can!". Awesome. This kid totally rocks my world! The fact that Obama is an international icon recognized by 7 year olds also rocks my world.

3. Went to the grocery store, and found stawberry Pockey, and KIWI Pockey!!!!! sweeeeet. Also bought some Dorito's.... but not Cool Ranch, or Nacho Cheese, nay nay, they don't have that. I had.... taco. Still good though.


Unknown said...

It sounds as if you are having a terrific time of it. Perhaps more fun than you expected. John S, and John Craft both said to tell you Hello. I am ready for the semester to end, although my photo classes have been extremely good this semester. Have about 8 or more taking documentary photo this summer and we are all going to go to Charlottesville to the Festival of the Photo. I will try to look up Mr Nino for you.

-t said...

Not to rain on your parade or anything, but the deli across the street from my office has both kiwi, gentlemens (chocolate i guess), and strawberry pocky on a regular basis