Sunday, April 19, 2009

"I think I'm turning Japanese"

Today I went spearfishing with my old Head Teacher and my coworker. My head teacher's wife and son came, as well as my coworker's girlfriend, and a student. We drove three hours from Kobe to Shikuko. It was unreal. We were driving in the mountains, but in between switch backs you could see the ocean. It was beautiful. The beach was unlike anything I've ever seen. It wasn't sand, but a beach of really small pebbles, and a bunch of larger ones thrown in for variety.
One the drive down, I rode with my head teacher and his family. He played a mix CD, and it had the song "Turning Japanese" by The Vapers. It really made me laugh at the irony, of listening to that song with Japanese people. One the same CD, we listened to "Ice, ice, baby". Classic.
It dawned on me as I stared out into the Pacific Ocean... the view I was looking at was the EXACT SAME as the final scene in The Goonies when the pirate ship sails out of the cave.
(Ok I lied. I just googled it, and apparently they filmed The Goonies in Oregon, and the beach is called Cannon Beach.)

Some of my new favorite things:
* Riding in cars in Japan
* The Japanese "countryside" (it's a city, with rice patties backed up to it)
* Onigiri - a palm sized triangle of sticky rice, wrapped in seaweed (delicious!), and filled with a variety of things (salmon, tuna, etc.). I picked one up on the way home tonight, and it was a mystery package (not sold as a mystery, it's just I didn't know what it said haha. I know it didn't say salmon or tuna). It was sweet and sour pork (maybe). It was delicious! I've realized that I could be eating pork penis, and as long as it was damn good, I wouldn't mind.

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