Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Golden Week! - Day One: Minatogawakoen

Sorry for the lack of posts recently. Nothing incredibly interesting happening...

Today is the first day of 8 days off work! Weeee! Golden Week. I'm at home doing laundry and cleaning right now. Lots of possible plans for the week. Jazz festival, Universal Studios Japan, a Kobe Vissel soccer game, etc.

Last night after work, Jen and I went to Sannomiya to hang out with a guy we met on Saturday. We saw his band play on Saturday, and he was playing with another band last night. One of Gordan's friends came over to introduce himself to us. This is the conversation:

Me: Hi, I'm Meredith. What's your name?
Him: My name is Ash. I'm from New Zealand.
Me: Awesome! Ash? Is that a nickname, or short for something?
Him: Yea, it's short for Ashley. (Which is common for Australia and NZ)
Me: Oh! Ash, like Bruce Campbell's character in "Evil Dead"?
Him: Um yea.

hahaha I thought it was funny that the first thing I associate him with is the best B Movie ever.

On the way home, the train was crowded, and I took the last seat. Beside me, and older businessman was falling asleep, and kept almost putting his head on my shoulder. Jen and Gordon thought it was really funny, since this isn't uncommon for Japanese. They wouldn't move the person who fell asleep, but just gently nudge them when they had to get off the train. However, me being a foreigner, this was totally unheard of. This guy sleeping would have made bricks of shit if he'd known he was so close to a gaijin! Everyone in the car was watching us hahaha. A nice young lady across the car was laughing at us, and I smiled at her. She had a young boy doing the same to her, almost resting his head on her shoulder. It was funny.

Pic is Gordan and Jen on the train, taken with my cell phone, hence the less than stellar quality.

Just called Oakles, and KPB, and got a Skype from Chipperface and his roommate in NYC. Awesome.

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