Monday, April 20, 2009

Adventures in Nara-land

Jen and I went on adventure to Nara on Monday. We met up in Sannomiya, and got a sweet one-day pass for the train to Nara as well as the buses once we got there. It also came with a DVD. We hop on the train, and about 1 hour 35 minutes later we're in Nara. We start wandering around, looking for some food.
We decide we want Yoshinoya, but can't find one. I think we ended up walking 3 miles to find one. It was worth it though (always is!).

Then we found a bus stop and waited about 13 minutes to ride back to the park. Here is Jen consulting a map.

We made it back to the park, and the weather threatened to rain. It didn't though (phew).
Nara is know for it's deer park. There are over 1200 deer roaming around the parks in Nara, and people sell crackers on every corner. Sometimes, these deer get a little aggressive, but they were pretty nice while we were feeding them. About this time, my batteries died in my camera :( So Jen and I decided we will have to come back again when I have fresh batteries.

Jen also got nuzzled in the butt by the deer. They thought she had more crackers. They wanted them. It scared Jen hahaha.

As we walked towards the Golden Buddha (one of only 7 left in the country, they're HUGE!), a group of high school boys came up and said, in English, "Excuse me? Can we take a photo?". They wanted to take a photo with us because we were foreign hahaha. It was funny. As they walked away, I swear they said to Jen, who is tall, "Thank you foreign giant!". I might have misheard that though....
Here are some photos that Jen too (the ones with me in them) and two more I squeezed out of my camera batteries.

Me under the canopy of wisteria (?) and behind me is the Five-Story Pagoda.

Me in front of the Golden Buddha. You really can't grasp how huge this statue is, even with me in front of it. Super difficult to grab a decent photo because there was so much sunshine coming in from the open doors and the Buddha sits in almost total darkness. If my damn batteries weren't dead, maybe I could've shot something in RAW to PS later...

A view of the Five-Story Pagoda and the Kofukuji-Temple.
And finally, me feeding some deer. Awesome.

1 comment:

-t said...

You know, deer are sort of related to cows...