Wednesday, April 1, 2009

New Cell Phone

Yesterday between classes, my kid's head teacher took me over to Softbank and I got a cell phone. I only got one so I don't have to be glued to my computer to get in touch with people. I am using my former teacher's phone, but with a new number and plan. It's pretty sweet.

Of course Japan has THE COOLEST phones around, but I was soooo close to getting an iPhone, but I wasn't sure I could use it back in the States, and also, I am too frugal to pay so much money for a cell phone.

I got up around 8am this morning. Sorry I haven't been calling people, it's been hectic still (head teacher leaving, waiting for the gas man, etc.). Right now, I'm waiting for the Post Office delivery person to come back by my apartment with my bank card! Hooray! I am very eager to deposit my money into an account... it looks so pitiful with a O balance hahahaha.

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