Friday, August 21, 2009

"Aaron, I hate you so much right now."

Against my better judgment, I went hiking with Aaron on Sunday morning. I was running late, but we started up Mt. Rokko around 9:30am. It is 931 meters tall, and I thought I was going to die. It was very steep, and hot and humid, and the steps were taller than my legs. Brutal. But, Aaron is a great motivational speaker and cheered me on until we reached the summit, where I promptly took a 30 minute nap in the shade.

Even though we started early, we were both super sweaty. Aaron rubbed half his face off on his shirt.

One of the less taxing boulder climbs.

Looking down at what we climbed.

Ready to die.

Seriously spent.

Please note the leaning. Not intentional, but I doubt I could stand on my own at this point.

931 meters, yo.

View. I was amazed how far inland we were.

Instead of hiking back down, we tried hitchhiking down. A very nice man, Akihiro, and his son picked us up, even though we smelled like roadkill.

We felt guilty, as we thought we were ruining this kid's day with his dad.

But he had fun learning English!

We all ate lunch together.

1 comment:

-t said...

why do you continuously meet little Japanese boys and eat lunch with them?