Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Cough Drops & Chest X-Rays

Today I went to the doctor's office at the Kobe Medical Center.

Don't let that fool you, it looked like a regular house in the middle of a neighborhood to me. Inside, it was like stepping into 1979. I was scared.

But, the nurses were nice and knowledgeable, and the doctor was smart, if young. I had a chest x-ray taken, and by the time I walked back into the doctor's room, he had it displayed on his huge computer monitor. He prescribed 6 (yes, SIX) medications for my wheezy lungs. An inhaler, some pills, and a patch to put on my chest "to help you breathe easier". He told my assistant manager (who came along as a translator) that he was nervous to see me. Because I'm American. He was afraid of screwing up. How sweet.

So I do feel better, and I am not as short of breath anymore. I think the grape Hall's I bought have helped a lot too. Tomorrow morning, I'm going to get up early and head to Sannomiya to try to buy a shinkansen ticket to Nagoya to visit Ken and Heather this weekend!

1 comment:

m said...

I got your message, I was working (kind of). I'm sorry you're feeling ill! I'll try calling you later at a decent hour.