Monday, June 28, 2010

Hotter than Hades

I do love summer, but holy crap can we get a break from this humidity? It's like walking around in a sauna.

Last night, spur of the moment, I went into Osaka to watch the England-Germany World Cup match with some of my mates (can I mention how much I love British English?). The game started at 11:00, so we were committed to staying out all night. Tim just moved to Juso, which is just over the bridge from Osaka. Peggy and I stayed with him in his baller new apartment. However, he has no furniture yet. Which was kinda funny when he apologized for us having to sleep on the floor.... but we always sleep on the floor. Finally dragged my ass back to Kobe, to find my bike had a flat tire. I sure do love pushing a bike uphill in blazing sunshine without glasses.

Tonight, I'm going to Tsukaguchi to see my friend Aaron whose leaving tomorrow due to a family illness. I hate that he's leaving, he was a good friend. I wish him and his family the best.

So now I only have four doki left (people that trained together).

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