Friday, December 4, 2009

Christmas music

Even in the states, I only really can stand a select few Christmas songs, most notably from The Peanut's Christmas album. However, the Patio (shopping complex where I work) likes to play various Christmas songs through the stores, all day. Oh, they also have a Christmas tree. How pretty.

If I thought it was difficult to listen to songs in America while shopping, I think it's just weird to listen to them in Japanese. Especially religious songs, such as "Oh Holy Night" and my personal favorite in Japanese, "O Come All Ye Faithful".

The other day, one of the Japanese teachers tried to use some slang, and crashed and burned. She said, "Wow, you looks wasted!" and then look confused when I burst into laughter. I had to explain that "wasted" did not mean "tired", but instead "incredibly drunk". Ahhh lost in translation...

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