Thursday, March 12, 2009

Thank goodness it's Thursday

Second to last day of training, DONE! It has actually gone really well. I've become 1000% more comfortable with my lessons, and am improving. We practiced the group lesson today with actual Japanese students, and they are great. They're so interested in everything you do and say, it's flattering.

I must comment on yesterday as well:
Yesterday we did part of the round-up lesson with actual students. We were in groups of teachers, so only half the training class was watching me. I was attempting to get my students to say "parts", as in "robot parts". I was trying to use gestures, and ended up doing The Robot.

I did The Robot (the dance), badly, in front of actual Japanese students as well as half of my training class. It got the point across, but I have never seen so many teachers laugh! It was funny, and now they keep joking about how that's the only thing they're going to remember. As in,
"Yea, I taught with this girl in training, she did The Robot.
What was her name?
Oh I don't remember, but The Robot, man, it was spot on!"
We were joking about a way for me to incorporate The Worm into today's lesson. It didn't work out haha.

Today for lunch, Oliver and I ate at Mos Burger, and type of fast food burger joint, but organic. It was delicious! Not too filling though, as we stopped by McDonald's for another cheeseburger and apple pie. (Mary - I was THISCLOSE to walking up the counter, and saying, "I can has cheezburger?". I think the irony would be been lost in translation though haha)

All in all, a great day. I'm tired from working so hard for 8 hours straight. Going to eat some fresh green beans and a small salad, and study for tomorrow's lesson, a full 50 minutes of teaching!

I learned Oisii, which means "delicious". I made it a point to tell everyone that Mos Burger was "OISHIIIIIIII!!!!!"

I also just now found a photo of what I had for lunch during the week.

It's a Kirin, a sandwich, and what I call Kowala Yummies. And yes, that sandwich has hot dogs on it. It's lettuce, mayo, hot dogs, cheese, and scrambled eggs. It is my new favorite thing in the world.

I realized now that I forgot the cable for my camera to computer, as well as a card reader. Need to go to Bic Camera and pick one up on Saturday (hopefully). Also, I still don't have photoshop, or a way to process RAW images, so that's the reason for the lack of photos. Also been too busy to shoot anything. Hopefully this will be resolved this weekend.

Goodnight, miss you all!

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