Wednesday, April 8, 2009


I was hauling ass through the grocery store yesterday, and I turned a corner too sharp, and promptly fell hahahahaha. I couldn't think of anything to do but laugh, so I did, got up, brushed myself off, and continued trucking. But not before I looked at the floor and my heel like there was something on one of the two that caused me to fall, and not just my brief spat with gravity.

Two of my classes canceled yesterday (all the students canceled), so I sat at work for 6 hours before I taught the one class I had yesterday. Lame.

I haven't made any plans for Golden Week. I might go to the beach and get a tan.

I finally got some photos printed, so now my room isn't quite as bare. There's only 12 so far, but at least my students know I had a going away party, my dad races a Porsche, what my house looks like with snow, what my family looks like, and where I went hiking two weekends ago. I promise I'll print more soon (if you care to be posted on my wall at school hahaha).


Anonymous said...

Hmmm, I need to think of a worthy photo op so I too can be featured on your Japanese Wall of Shame!

-t said...

Superfriends photo?

ChipChop said...

How about the one from my birthday party at T-Fats where youre making that elegant face?