Monday, September 14, 2009

"Just a small town girl..."

A few of the teachers I trained with decided to get together and go eat in Osaka on Sunday. Lamika suggested we eat somewhere that had "no rules, and was just right", so naturally we went to Outback. Not exactly the same as in the States, but pretty close. The portions are definitely American sized. It was deliciously expensive. Then we went to sing karaoke at my request.

Aaron and Oli singing "Total Eclipse of the Heart".

Aaron coaching Vince. I think they're singing Michael Jackson.

Aaron and Vince.

Aaron trying to get Lamika to sing. No luck.

Aaron and Oli.

Aaron singing freestyle, apologizing for spilling his beer on Lamika.

A huge bottle of Choya that Lamika got me for my birthday. Japanese fruit liquor.

I think those are plums....

1 comment:

m said...

that first picture is the best thing EVER. amen.