Sunday, July 19, 2009


"I want to ride my BIIIIIIIIICYCLE!" (You know, that Queen song, right?)

I rode the subway to Nagata (just two stops) to Asahi Bikes, and bought a bike this morning! And registration, PLUS a lock, all without using English!

Not by choice, I just didn't find anyone who spoke English hahaha. But it was a success! Then I rode home, not too bad, maybe 20 minutes, then had to ride up the huge hill to my apartment. But I did it! All without killing myself/others. Victory is mine.

The forecast calls for rain, but so far, no rain. However, there's a huge beach party with live music and BBQing today, so I bet it won't rain until I get there hahaha. For some reason, I can't stop picturing it being like "Beach Party" with Annette Funicello and Frankie Avalon. I hope that somehow I get a photo of some girl lying on a surfboard being held up by men.

I rode my bike around Minatogawa for a few hours this afternoon. None of the roads are straight, and it's not laid out like a grid. I started biking east, and somehow wound up south of where I started? I dunno. But I met up with Jen, Gordon, and his friend Oli in Tarumi for lunch. We ate some awesome sushi. Gordon ate a fish eyeball in his soup. Gross. Also, his impersonation of an American accent starts with "YARRRRRR! I'M AMERICAN!". He sounds like a pirate.

From there, Gordon and Oli went to Suma, and Jen and I walked through the festival in Tarumi. Very small, just food vendors and games. Here are some photos.
*All of these photos were shot from the hip, so terribly sorry about the composition. I was really self concious of taking photos haha. I stick out enough as a foreigner, I hate being started at because I have a huge camera*

Fruit dipped in chocolate on a stick. Delicious.

Takoyaki vendor.


Wall of Masks. Hate that it's blurry.

Little girl with a balloon and an Apanman Mask.

300 yen to catch your own goldfish.

Young girls dressed in summer yukatas.

Shooting game. Jen and I both decided we'd totally dominate that game, you know, cause we're American. And every American owns a gun.


And now some photos from the beach party!

Jen and Essie.

Jen's boyfriend Gordon. An amazing musician with a truely terrible American accent.



Breakdancers doing crazy poses.

I've seen breakdancers in the subway stations practicing late at night. They're pretty good. I always want to join in.

Essie and Jen.

Oli, Me, and Essie.

Me and Essie.

Aaron, Jen, and Oli.

Look at that cheerleader pose....

Niko and me.

This was an exibition of martial arts, with a group from Zero Dojo. This guy BROKE TWO BASEBALL BATS. WITH HIS SHIN.


Seriously, I will no mess with this guy. But I do want to train with him. I wonder if he pulls this out at partys. "Hey guys, wanna see a cool trick? Got any baseball bats?" Also, when did he think "Hm, I bet my shin is stronger than a bat. Let's find out."


Niko and Oli, Gordon's friend.

Oli and Aaron. Too many British Oli's on the beach.

Shortly after this, a huge thunderstorm rolled in, and everyone ran for cover in the building. We tried to wait it out, but the rain wasn't going anywhere soon. I decided to make a run for it, and was super happy I had decided to bring my raincoat at the last minute. I wrapped my camera up, and buried it deep in my tote. I ran with a group of people to the station, and then had to ride my new bike, in the torrential rain, uphill with a camera. It was ridiculous! But, lucky me, I made it home with no accidents, and a completely dry camera. I, on the other hand, looked like a wet rat. Good thing I was wearing my bathing suit :)

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